Farm Fresh Eggs
Every day is Easter on our farm! We have layers that lay from a light brown egg to a super dark brown egg, and everything in-between. We have have blue egg layers and one sneaky bird lays a rogue green egg sometimes.
Our birds are NOT vegetarian fed. Why? Because chickens aren't vegetarian! They spend their days foraging the farm for all the bugs and critters they can get. They are not kept in cages but are allowed to do what they do best--free range. Occasionally they will be kept in their runs due to weather, but not often. We have had many people state our eggs are better than anything they buy at the store, and I'd have to agree! Our yolks are big and orange and tasty. Seriously, you can see and taste the difference. Try it! Eggs are $5/doz. They can be picked up on the farm or we can arrange to meet in Elizabethtown. |
We raise all of our chicks from a day old. We always have layers and quarterly we raise rainbow range broilers.
Free Ranging
Our chickens are happy chickens. They spend their days foraging the lands for bugs and grubs. No cages for these birds!
Quarterly we have broilers. These birds are raised just like the layers--free ranging the lands. They taste fantastic!