
Michelle believes every horse is different, has a different way of learning, and tailors an individual program for each horse. She trains each horse from the ground up believing that if the horse respects you on the ground first he will be that much better when a person is on his back. She can take your horse from “wild in the pasture” and turn him into a very nice, respectful riding mount, or she can take your already broke horse and help him to be the best he can. Michelle has extensive experience training and showing Arabians and Quarter type horses. She trains in many disciplines including: hunter under saddle, western pleasure, lower level dressage, trail (both class and recreational), pattern work, halter, and showmanship. Michelle also has an extensive show career ranging from local open shows to National level breed shows and everything in-between.
Michelle would be very excited to sit and talk to you about your goals for you and your horses and work out a plan so you can have the best connection possible. During your horses training you will have many of these "sit down" sessions so you can know where your horse is at and you can see what goals have been accomplished.
Michelle would be very excited to sit and talk to you about your goals for you and your horses and work out a plan so you can have the best connection possible. During your horses training you will have many of these "sit down" sessions so you can know where your horse is at and you can see what goals have been accomplished.